
One thing to know is that if things are really intense for you right now, chances are you're having a heavy transit. And that transit may have a A LOT of moving parts. In this case, I prefer to check out your Chart Ruler before we determine the length of the reading. But if you're looking for a general outlook, I break down basic readings according to Planets. 

Here's a list:

Basic Chart Reading ~ Examines chart ruler, its placements, aspects, and condition ($30)

Natal Chart Reading ~ Examines entire chart profile and includes a 30 min call ($150)

Lunar Reading ~ Details 1 month ahead ($30)

Mercury Reading ~ Details 3 months and includes a 15 min call ($75)

Venus Reading  ~ Details 6 months ahead and includes a 30 min call ($150)

Solar Reading ~ Details 1 year ahead and includes two 30 min calls ($250)

Call only ~ 15 min ($40) 30 min ($75)

All readings except the Basic Chart Reading provide a sense of who you are, your current life stage, and what influences are in play. Additional calls can be purchased in increments of 15 minutes for $40 and 30 minute for $75. Feel free to mail me at info at peregrineastrology dot com with any questions or to schedule a reading. 

I look forward to meeting you!

Best Wishes,




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