Jupiter In Taurus - What Do We Truly Desire?

It is time to welcome another big astrological event - Jupiter has entered Taurus where it will reside until May 25, 2024. Jupiter is all about optimism, tolerance, and expansion, especially regarding spirituality, wisdom, religion, and the law, and in Taurus we are dealing with the things we value and possess, such as self-worth, property, talents, and other personal resources. Recall the last year while Jupiter was in Mars ruled Aries. We found ourselves literally fighting (sometimes with each other) to get back to “normal”. With the heralding of Jupiter in Taurus, we are experiencing the lifting of the Covid restrictions and paving of the way for some enjoyment. But there are lessons to note, as there are with a planet like Jupiter facing a series of significant aspects over the next year.

We’ve talked a little about Jupiter previously, mostly in relation to Saturn. It’s hard to discuss Jupiter in relation to itself, as it is what is known as a Social planet. Basically, the smaller inner planets are all personal, meaning we feel them operate in our everyday lives, and the outer planets are transpersonal, so we experience them collectively. The social planets, Saturn and Jupiter, represent the bridge between our personal and collective selves. They dole out the lessons in self-development. Saturn teaches through restriction; Jupiter teaches through expansion. For example, someone wins the lottery jackpot, and we think, wow, I wish I would win the lottery, without considering the lessons of such a windfall the recipient is sure to face. That's Jupiter. It rules two signs - Sagittarius, which houses wisdom, higher learning, abundance, and the law, as well as hubris, self-righteousness, over-indulgence, and blind optimism; and Pisces which deals with dreams, intuition, aspirations, as well as illusions, deception, and intoxication. Jupiter can feel really good, until it's too much. 

Now let’s talk about Taurus, the sign Jupiter has entered. Taurus is a lovely sign, literally, both to its credit and detriment. Its ruler, Venus, governs things like relationships, money, talents, personal resources, art, beauty, aesthetics - anything we can possess. It is also associated with the human expression of basic feminine ideas, principles, and issues. Venus can be decadent and lazy, giving into desire, loving to be in love, but she can also turn away and hurt others in her pursuits and acquisitions. Venus also rules self-worth and attachment. With Jupiter here, we can see expansion in foreign travel, luxury purchases, cosmetic procedures, and romantic relationships. We want to feel better about the world and our places within it, especially after experiencing so much harshness from Saturn and Mars! Wherever Taurus lands in the natal chart is where we feel this energy manifest.  

As mentioned previously, Jupiter will make a series of significant aspects during its tenure in Taurus. The first event is a square to Pluto, which happens to be facing Mars in an opposition. Squares relate to external events of which we have no control, and oppositions relate to other people. Together these aspects form a T-square (a right triangle, if you will) which functions as a driver in human events. The slowest planet in this formation, Pluto in this instance, is the basis. And with Pluto in Aquarius, we are dealing with transformation of humanity. With the square to Jupiter in Taurus, the next slowest planet, this transformation is under a mitigated expansion by the opposition, which is Mars. Jupiter just left the influence of Mars, which is also the polarity of Venus. We can expect a lot of transformative negotiation happening between these two energies, especially once the Nodes move into Aries/Libra later this year.

Next stop is the North Node. The Nodes really deserve a series of blog posts all on their own due to the nature of their complexity. In general, we are dealing with our “direction” within in time and space. The North Node deals with where we are going, and the South Node is where we have been. Ideally we learn from our past, so that we can make better decisions which will positively impact the outcome of our future. Those are the Nodes. And Jupiter in Taurus is about to make its one and only pass during this cycle. After this pass, it will sextile Saturn, meaning that there is an opportunity to work successfully towards our goals. Then Venus will oppose Pluto followed by a square to Jupiter before she turns retrograde in the sign of Leo, which could result in some giant ego checks. Then Jupiter itself turns retrograde, and we will be required to review our choices, purchases, relationships, buy-ins, before its conjunction with Uranus next year when our choices become sealed and the real changes begin. Fortunately we have some time to decide what it is we truly want.

If you are interested in learning more about transiting Jupiter in Taurus in your chart, leave a comment or send a message!

Best Wishes,



  1. I never thought of the location of the planets being related to the psyche in this way....fascinating...and a bit overwhelming!!!

    1. It can be overwhelming, but the cool thing is we can utilize the planets and their placements to navigate everyday life. For instance, I will add in extra time and patience when Mercury stations retrograde or direct, as I can expect travel and communication to be a little wonky. Or if my chart ruler is receiving some intense aspects, I can expect some upheaval, change, or flashes of insight.

      Thanks for reading!

  2. It’s encouraging to think that we might be entering a time of optimism, encouragement, and expansion. I am interested to see what this year brings.

    1. Yeah, there will still be some rough edges, but the mood is definitely shifting to a lighter tone. The trick is discerning what you really want to set forward.

      Thank you for reading!



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