OMG! Some planet is making a Square to my natal chart! What does it MEAN?

Before we go off the rails worrying about Pluto pulling up and opposing our natal Sun, let’s take a more objective look at what transits are and the kinds of aspects they can make. When we talk about transits, we are talking about planetary bodies orbiting our sun. Transits literally mark the unfolding of events over time. We witness this first hand every month as the Moon transits the moving sky, triggering every aspect in our charts along the way. An aspect is the relationship between two or more points. In Astrology these points refer to planets, asteroids, centaurs, stars, and actual points in space and time as well as within our personal charts. As the solar system travels through three dimensional space, all these points come into contact one way or another in real time by way of these transits. No wonder the Moon is so potent!

Everything has two sides. And when we interface with any oppositional energy, we become an active third force in the equation, allowing an integration of that energy into the various aspects of our lives. This dynamic is most often completely unconscious. Decisions are made before we even notice a choice. Navigating transits in Astrology can help get a sense of incoming energetic influences which affect our conditioned responses. Just as we can observe the tides or currents in the jet stream and use that information to plan outdoor activities, understanding transits and their aspects can help us prepare for the emotional currents which require inner work.

Many types of aspects exist, all of which illustrate different forms of energy at work. But for most of us on a personal level, only seven of these aspects produce strong effects. Imagine sitting in a circle with eleven other people. Each person occupies a certain amount of space within the circle in relation to the self, the other, and to everyone else. It’s all perspective from where we sit within in the circle. The objects and points in space work the same way.

Seven Major Aspects

The Conjunction (360 degrees)
This is the strongest aspect in Astrology, combining all the energy represented by each planet or point in space. We feel conjunctions directly, and depending on the planet, influence can be felt before and after the aspect it made. Fusion is a key word here. As with all aspects, the effects can go either way, but the work is within you and how you handle the energy personally.  Think personal integration.

The Opposition (180 degrees)
Oppositions are the second strongest aspects and usually deal with the Other. It creates a sort of ping pong effect which often requires some sort of release valve in the form of a square, a supporting Trine or Sextile, or maybe even a Quincunx. Oppositions can be really annoying without a release, as the energy must go somewhere else in order to be resolved. Energy can also be motivating and/or competitive.

The Quincunx (150 degrees)
Not the strongest aspect, but we can definitely feel its affects. It is best described as indirect energy, like if your friend’s cat died. Or there is a layoff at work, but it affects a different department or location. We may be required to act, but there is a degree of removal or separation.

The Trine (120 degrees)
This is the aspect everyone touts as being the most positive. There is a sense of flow, ease, and expansion. The energy is unrestricted, but it is important to note which planets and points are activating what in our chart. It will set things moving, for better or worse. However stagnation is also a possibility, especially if things are too easy.

The Square (90 degrees)
This medium aspect has a poor reputation, like Saturn, but nothing changes or happens without it. Squares typically deal with events which create opportunities for growth. We often find ourselves challenged here, and it can be frustrating at times, but we will find ourselves rewarded if we rise to it. If the Square is an outlet for an Opposition, the apex will create a way forward.

The Sextile (60 degrees)
Similar but less strong than the Trine is the Sextile. The combination allows for flow and ease, but only if an effort is made. There is a sense of choice in the matter. A Sextile can be activated if a transiting planet makes a Quincunx to both planets, indicating an important matter related to the planets in question. It also functions as a learning aspect. If it is an outlet for an opposition, the Sextile can show us the learning curve. Lessons, as always, can go either way.

The Semi-Sextile (30 degrees)
Finally we reach our most subtle aspect, the Semi-Sextile. This aspect deals with energy that is closest to us without actually being on top of us. It is what sits beside us. It can provide counsel as well as misdirection, because we are unable to look at it directly. This is the angel or devil sitting on your shoulder. Identification without integration is possible.

When dealing with the solar system in real time, we collectively experience all the transits and their accompanying inter-aspects at all times. Some aspects, like the Full Moon, are felt more directly than others like Mercury Trine Jupiter. If both these Aspects are happening at the same time, there’s probably a lot of communication and travel being happening that was planned at the New Moon. It’s pretty mundane actually. But when transiting planets aspect our natal chart, we will be engaged with that energy personally and directly. When we know what transits are on the horizon, we can utilize that energy to set forth our intentions.

Curious about a natal aspect or upcoming transit, leave a comment or send a message! 


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